Product Details
+Arabis Spring Charm (Arabis Biepharophylla) creates a brilliant display of magenta colored flowers that grow in small masses. This ground cover has pink flowers sweetly fragrant.
Arabis loves moist climate which help spreading and spilling over rock gardens. In moist conditions, arabis throws air roots that transplant quite easily.
Rock Cress ground cover plants are drought tolerant once established, and they require good drainage, particularly in the winter months.
After blooming, trim the Spring Charm Rock Cress in order to maintain a bushy, compact habit. For a second bloom, cut the spent blossoms.
Arabis Spring Charm looks good in the winter months as it remains evergreen.
Arabis blepharophylla will drop its flower seeds forming new ground cover plants the following spring.
Sow Arabis Spring Charm - ground cover seed - indoors 8 - 10 weeks before transplanting and before the last expected frost date. Use starter trays filled with potting soil.
Press the Rock Cress seeds into the soil and thinly cover with peat moss to help retain moisture (you should still be able to see the seed through the peat moss).
Bottom water or mist spray. Keep the soil moist but not wet at 68°F
Arabis seed needs light to germinate. Transplant into the garden 8 inches apart after frost danger has passed. Before transplanting, harden the plants for 10 - 14 days in a protected area outside.
After last expected frost has passed, Rock Cress seeds can be directly sown into a prepared seedbed outdoors.
These flowering ground cover plants should be trimmed lightly immediately after blooming. This encourages a thick mounding habit.